Ways to Contribute

Service Opportunities

Do you have insights that would inspire young minds?

Come and share your success story at one of our mentorship workshops, camp, or other initiatives.

Site Visits & Tours

YMM exposes children to industries that service the community, including educational facilities, essential services, policing, banking, hospitals, tourism, mechanical engineering, food services, park and other day to day cornerstones of citizenship, in order to provide exposure to career directions and positive role models.

If you would be interested in having our mentees on-site in your place of business for tours and to learn more about the work that you do, please get in touch with any of our Board members to explore possible opportunities.

Guest Speakers

We engage community leaders, business persons, ministries, professionals and specialists that align with our themes and topics of discussion to attend our fellowships and workshops and explore speaking opportunities. If this is something you would be interested in,  please get in touch to discuss our current agenda.