
YMM’s Inaugural Newsletter

YMM published its first official Newsletter

Recently, YMM published its first official Newsletter. A copy of this is attached below. If you are interested in receiving future newsletters from us.


June, 2015

Inaugural Newsletter

How we got over…my soul looks back in wonder!

In May 2015, a small band of sojourners set out for, “the Promised Land”. Behind us were the threats of religious dictatorship, man- made rules, deep heartache and disappointments while in front loomed the mighty sea of uncertainties, fear and doubt. God proved Himself faithful and parted the waters enabling this small group from Youth Mentoring Ministry to walk through on dry land. In September 2015, our nomadic journey brought us to “The Party House” where we have set up camp temporarily and from which we currently operate. With our sights fixed firmly on the Promised Land, we work and wait expectantly for the moving of the “Pillar of Fire.”

Almost a year later, Youth Mentoring Ministry (YMM), is now a registered Friendly Society (NPO). With complete reliance on God and the directive of the Holy Spirit, YMM has committed itself to working assiduously to mentor, train and raise up a Godly generation who will be equipped to transform Jamaica and the world by becoming standard bearers of excellence and fulfilling their God-given potential.  As the name suggests, the youth are central to everything done in this ministry and thus a key component is the mentorship class that is held on Saturdays from 12-4pm.  Currently, we mentor over 40 students and growing exponentially from the St.  Ann’s Bay environs- as far as Free Hill in Bamboo. With the Word of God as the foundation, a structured curriculum is delivered which emphasizes discipline, worship, service and leadership. More importantly however, we recognize that genuine love and care for the well-being of our youth urges us to practically meet them where they are and to provide relevant interventions and counsel to address their daily challenges.

A Board of Management has oversight of the ministry headed by Sis Delpha Dyer-Young.  The Board consists of 8 persons inclusive of a Youth Advocate and a Youth Representative.  The Board’s priority is to ensure that the welfare of the Youth remains at the fore front of all we do. Thus Worship Services are geared towards Youth participation/ inclusion and their spiritual growth.

An extension of the ministry is a Discount/ Bargain store which provides clothing, stationery and educational supplies at a reduced cost to the community. We provide a small contribution to our high school students monthly to assist with transportation and lunch. This is made possible from the donations of members and benefactors both local and overseas. On Friday evenings, the young people converge on “the Party House”, for worship, fellowship, games and discussions. YMM organizes/collaborates in many outreach activities such as: Residential Summer Camp, Easter Beach Party, Christmas treat, Vacation Bible School.

YMM has been blessed to receive support from The Links Sisters incorporated. Two representatives visited with the children and donated a water cooler to the ministry for which we are very grateful. Christmas 2015 was made  brighter and more joyous by the generous donation  from Mrs. B. Graham, a London England resident. She bought, shipped and delivered a large carton of clothing for the children.

The needs are many, the issues complex and the challenges are great. However, we remain undaunted as the scripture says,“ faithful is He who has called who also will do it”…we completely rely on the Lord moment by moment to direct us.


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